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Ms. Niken’s Teaching Experience & Recap of Mental Health Event, Volume 1: November!

Hi Eagles!

As we enter the second week of November, let's recap one special event that occurred in the month of October and talk about a teaching experience in Sekolah Ciputra!

On the 10th of October 2021, Sekolah Ciputra decided to celebrate the ‘World Mental Health Day’ with the aim to raise awareness of the importance of wellbeing for all. During this event, the main theme of this year’s ‘World Mental Health Day’ is ‘Permission to (Release) Stress’.

The counselor team prepared all the events very well. To start off with this event, a special assembly was held on the 11th of October 2021. This assembly served as an introduction to the upcoming events related to ‘World Mental Health Day’ initiated in the month of October. Students and teachers were invited to complete the self-care missions and compete with the other homerooms to complete all the missions provided. The activities mainly revolved around four types of activities: music, plants, rest, and hobbies. This event lasted for 15 days from the 11th of October 2021 until the 26th of October 2021 which involved an online platform called “GooseChase”. Finally, on the 29th of October 2021, the counsellors released the results of the homerooms in first, second, third, fourth, and fifth place: 9-2, 10-4, 7-6, 12-1, and 11-8, respectively.

To close these activities, the counselor team held webinars and invited special guest speakers to talk about mental health, stress, and failure. There were many great guest speakers that talked about the topic and students have learned a lot from this month's activities. The guest speakers include: Sherman Ho, the co-founder of Happiness Initiative, Singapore and Elisabeth Santoso, a psychologist at both her own institution and Universitas Ciputra, and lecturer at Universitas Ciputra as well. Both guest speakers talked about types of stress, importance of having stress, self-management of stress and many more stress related topics. All of us students have gone a long way to get to where we are today. The OSIS team has interviewed Ms. Niken to ask her about her experience of teaching in Sekolah Ciputra, and how she got to where she is today. Within her interview, she discusses her teaching as well as her work experience and how she has gotten to grow as a person through interacting with students from different backgrounds. Ms. Niken is one of our senior teachers, and has been part of the Sekolah Ciputra staff community for almost 15 years, since 2007. After graduating from university in 2005, she lived in the Netherlands for a year before joining Sekolah Ciputra, which also happens to be the first formal school she has taught in. She started off as a full-time librarian, and started teaching one year later, in 2008. From an interview the OSIS team did with Ms. Niken, she stated that her teaching experience at Sekolah Ciputra has been great. She says that the school community is very diverse, making every day an exciting one. Although she may be working with the same group of students every day, she still enjoys this job because there are always different events and stories on different days. From teaching at Sekolah Ciputra, she has gotten lots of new experiences and adventures. Some of these include:

1. The Sekolah Ciputra annual camp. Held every year, the destinations of each year’s annual camps may differ, which opens her eyes to new sights and brings in unique experiences. Since the year 2008, she has participated in around 10 camps, up until the pandemic struck.

2. The way that she has met many different students here, it was a privilege for her as a teacher to be able to learn about such a variety of backstories, personalities and such.

3. Another positive aspect from the school is that it encourages and supports students to join WSC. In 2012, Ms. Niken and Ms.Lolita proposed the idea of participating in the World Scholar’s Cup (WSC) a month before the actual event. If it weren’t for the school being such a supportive and positive environment, that would’ve never been possible. Furthermore, without Ms. Niken’s and Ms. Lolita’s initiative back in 2012, our school would not be where it is today in reference to the progress made in the World Scholar’s Cup event.

4. Surprisingly, Sekolah Ciputra provided her first experience of being a Drama teacher. The Drama teacher at the time (during the first few years of her employment) had prematurely resigned. The school, seeing her background in the English field, offered her the position. It is from here that she realizes she loved teaching Drama; it was from the school’s trust that she got the opportunity to grow as a teacher.

With Drama being the subject that Ms. Niken teaches, the learning and teaching atmosphere has shifted majorly due to the pandemic ever since the school started online school back in early 2020. In this online learning situation, Ms. Niken believes that students and teachers need to share mutual respect by the context of relationships between learners and educators. By this, there are boundaries between students and teachers that need to be respected. Although currently HMI learning has been initiated, safety remains a priority too which means tasks or drama performances are not to be done with no COVID-19 protocols such as socially distancing. By building good relationships, trust, and mutual respect, we can create both a comfortable teaching and learning environment. During the start of online learning, Ms. Niken feels that technology can be a double edged sword. Wifi connection is a constant issue, example being once the internet cuts the teachers must be quick on their feet to act and think. Online learning is a problem for more practical classes such as Drama, Music, VA, PHE and Dance. When showing live examples, Ms Niken feels the connection between her and the students, which is unlike video meets where communication is sometimes lacking. Another large challenge is that Drama is mainly a group activity, being difficult to do individually (You’d have to talk to yourself in front of the camera) so she takes the time to record herself and check up on her students to make sure they pay attention. Up until now, Ms. Niken believes that technology and distance remain the biggest problems in online learning but she truly feels grateful with the HMI learning system which allows all students to come back to school even if not everyone at once because with the HMI learning system, it is way easier for her to demonstrate drama techniques to her students.

Due to the issues and the need to adapt in the pandemic, Ms. Niken feels that her style had changed by a long shot. When the doors to the school were first closed, she was concerned about the future. The concern stemmed from the fact that she isn’t a camera person and the issue of Drama being a practical lesson had cropped back up. However, she is diligent and records herself in the case of emergencies, when something happens, Ms. Niken has planned a few steps ahead. Strategies such as pre-recorded lessons, written group tasks, and individual practice has been her way of dealing with issues when not face to face.

Aside from this, on the 10th of November every year, we, Indonesians, celebrate Heroes Day to commemorate the battle of Surabaya, fought on 10th November 1945 in an effort to rid British troops. This year’s Heroes Day theme, ‘Pahlawanku Inspirasiku’, or ‘My Hero, My Inspiration’ in English, reminds us to thank and take inspiration from the fighting spirit that the Surabayan people had while fighting in this battle. Just like our heroes, we must do the same, we must fight for Indonesia. Although we may not fight the same way as they did, in a war, we should instead fight to make Indonesia a more developed country; a country able to prove itself worthy to the eyes of the world.

To wrap everything up within this monthly article, the OSIS team would like to express our deepest gratitude towards the counselor team for preparing and planning the mental health events, ensuring that they would run smoothly, and Ms. Niken for kindly allowing us to interview her, on her teaching experience here at Sekolah Ciputra.

This article was written by the OSIS Public Relations Team (Felice Agnes 10C, Anastasia Lilananda 8C & Bianca Purwadi 10B), Edited by the OSIS Team (Michael Sean Gunawan 11DP & Wenny Wibisono 11DP) & Supervised by Jefferson Tanto 11DP and Mr. Rizal Rakhmat Dwianto.

Mandarin Version: Niken老师教学工作的心得体会以及十一月份心理健康主题活动的第一期回顾 各位老师,同学大家好! 此时此刻我们已经进入了11月的第二周,在过去的一个月里Sekolah Ciputra举办了一系列的特别活动,让我们在此带领大家一起回顾一下。 2021年10月10日, Sekolah Ciputra为庆祝 "世界心理健康日"而举办了此次活动,活动目的是提高对于健康重要性的认知。在这次活动中,今年"世界心理健康日"的主题被设定为"压力的释放"。 校辅导员团队为本次活动做了充足的准备。作为活动开幕,学校于2021年10月11日举行了一次特别集会。这次集会是对随后发起的"世界心理健康日"相关系列活动的介绍。在之后正式的活动中,学生和老师们都参与了以“自我关爱”为主旨的任务,并在完成任务的过程中与其他班集体相互竞争以取得最后的胜利。这些任务包括了以下的主题和内容:音乐、植物、休闲与爱好。活动中,在线平台"GooseChase"扮演了非常重要的角色。本次活动为期共计15天,从2021年10月11日起截至2021年10月26日。最后,在2021年10月29日,辅导员公布了最终成绩,第一至五名的班级分别为9-2、10-4、7-6、12-1、11-8。 作为本次活动的结尾部分,辅导员团队还举办了网络研讨会,并邀请了演讲嘉宾来就心理健康、压力和失败等课题做了讲座。同学们也从这些优秀的演讲嘉宾身上获益良多。参与嘉宾包括Sherman Ho,新加坡Happiness Initiative的联合创始人;Elisabeth Santoso,目前就职于其个人机构及Universitas Ciputra的心理学专家。两位演讲嘉宾都谈及了压力的多种类型,压力存在的重要性,压力下的自我管理以及诸多与压力有关的话题。 我们在生活中,我们每个人都是通过无数的经历而获得成长的。就此,OSIS团队采访了Niken女士,向她询问了在Sekolah Ciputra的教学经历,以及她如何取得今日的成就。在采访中,她分享了她的教学和工作经验,以及她是如何通过与来自不同背景的学生交流而获得自我提升的。 Niken老师是我校的资深教师,自2007年以来,她已加入Sekolah Ciputra任职约15年。在2005年大学毕业后,她旅居荷兰,于一年后加入了Sekolah Ciputra,这也是她执教的第一所正规学校。以一名全职图书管理员作为她职业生涯的起点,并于2008年开始正式任教。 Niken女士在OSIS团队对她的采访中,对于她在Sekolah Ciputra的工作和教学体验给与了相当高的评价。她表示,学校作为一个非常多元化的集体,让每一天都充满了活力与热情。尽管每天面对着相同的面孔,但生活的未知和不确定性,仍然让她享受着每天的工作。 在Sekolah Ciputra的教学工作中,她收获了很多经历和冒险。其中包括: 1. Sekolah Ciputra一年一度的露营。随着每年活动目的地的不同,让她见识了不同的风景,也让每次的体会变得独特。直到疫情爆发之前,从2008年至今,她已经参加了大约10次此项活动。

2. 作为一名教师,与不同学生的相遇也是令人愉悦的,可以了解到形形色色的背景、性格等。

3. 另一方面是学校给与的鼓励和提供的支持所带来的正向影响。2012年,她申请参加世界学者杯(World Scholar’s Cup),申请是在距活动开始仅剩一个月的时候才提出。如果不是有学校的大力支持,恐将无法成行。

4. 更让她惊喜的是,Sekolah Ciputra让她达成了成为戏剧课教师的成就。在她任职的最初几年中,前任戏剧科教室提前离职,学校鉴于她在英语方面的才华,让她获得了这份职位。正是从这里,她意识到自己对于戏剧教学的热爱,感谢学校的信任。

自从我校2020年初开始线上教学后,Niken老师所教授的戏剧课程也因为疫情的原因受到了影响。在这种情况下,Niken老师认为,学生和教师应该恪守职责,站在各自的立场上互相尊重,互相理解。虽然目前已经采取了线上线下混合教学的模式,但安全始终是第一考量,这意味着在没有符合COVID-19相关防疫规定的情况下,考虑到社交距离等因素,部分课业及戏剧表演活动不能如期举行。这就需要我们通过建立良好的关系、互信互爱,相互尊重,来创造一个对学生和老师来说都合适的教学环境。 在线上教学开始的最初阶段,对于网络科技的应用,Niken老师认为是利弊并存的。比如持续存在无线网连接问题。一旦掉线,老师们就必须迅速做出反应并采取应急手段。在线课程对于戏剧、音乐、美术、体育和舞蹈等实践性较强的课程来说始终是个问题。Niken老师对此深有所感,在面对面教学时能直接感受到与学生之间的交流、互动、和联系,但在线上通过视频会议教学时,就能明显感觉到却反互动和沟通。另一方面,在镜头前自言自语对于戏剧这样一项集体活动来说实在不是一种解决办法。所以Niken老师为此有提前录制视频,通过与学生的联络来确保学生都能在课上集中注意力。到目前为止,Niken老师仍然面对着因科技应用而产生的距离感而带来的挑战。所幸有了HMI,线上线下混合教学模式,能够让学生回到学校。尽管不能让所有人都出现在教室中,但终于能更好更直观地向同学们展示戏剧课的表演技巧了。


除此之外,每年的11月10日,我们印尼人都会庆祝英雄日,以纪念1945年11月10日为驱逐英军而进行的泗水战役。今年的英雄日主题是“Pahlawanku Inspirasiku”,英文名为“我的英雄,我的灵感”,提醒我们感谢泗水人民在这场战斗中所表现出的战斗精神,并从中吸取灵感。就像我们的英雄一样,我们也必须这样做,我们必须为印度尼西亚而战。虽然我们可能不会像他们那样打仗,但在战争中,我们应该为使印度尼西亚成为一个更发达的国家而战斗;一个能够证明自己值得世人瞩目的国家。

在本文末尾,学生会团队在此向本次活动的辅导员团队送上最真挚的感谢。感谢他们为本次心理健康主题活动所做的计划和精心的准备,才能让活动圆满完成。也非常感谢Niken老师接受我们的采访。 本文有学生会集体创作 撰写人:Felice Agnes 10C、Anastasia Lilananda 8C、Bianca Purwadi 10B(学生会公关部) 编辑:Michael Sean Gunawan 11DP和Wenny Wibisono 11DP(学生会团队) 监督指导:Jefferson Tanto 11DP和Rizal Rakhmat Dwianto 翻译:吴老师 (Lao Shi Wu Gang)

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